Top 10 Words for 2019

Top 10 Words for 2019

To wrap up the year, I thought it might be fun to explore the Top 10 Words in 2019, with a focus on science and medicine. Top 10 Words in Science In a Google search of “Top 10 Science Words in 2019”, the top item was an article in The Guardian (International Edition)....

Fun with Acknowledgements

Fun with Acknowledgements

The Acknowledgements section appears at the end of the text in a scientific paper, right before the References section. It’s usually quite brief and acknowledges funding support, as well as the technical support or specialized expertise of individuals with specific...

Spooky Science

Spooky Science

Stepping away from medical and biological sciences a bit, a foray into quantum physics teaches us about “spooky” science. In quantum entanglement, first described by Schrödinger, if you observe a particle in one place, another particle – even one that is light years...

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