The MedSci Communications Blog

Weekly Writing Tips


Welcome to our weekly dose of writing advice, grammar suggestions, and the occasional nerdy observation.

The Benefits of Chocolate

The Benefits of Chocolate

This is a particularly distracting and stressful week for Americans, as well as many others watching the US election from a distance. A Twitter poll I conducted indicates that chocolate is the favourite stress-relieving, comfort food for many people. So I thought it...

Ghoulish Science

Ghoulish Science

Do you believe in ghosts? Approximately one-third of Americans do, according to a 2005 Gallup poll. Ghostly studies in science abound. Three common scientific and psychological explanations for ghost sightings, hauntings, and supernatural events include:   1. The...

Common Spelling Errors

Common Spelling Errors

Over the past several months, I’ve seen certain spelling and grammar errors show up over and over again in tweets, texts, emails, reports and manuscripts. I’m sure some of these are the result of autocorrect or tapping on the wrong word option. But many are clearly...

Addressing Reviewer Comments

Addressing Reviewer Comments

You’ve submitted your manuscript, and the decision was “revise and resubmit” – the journal has requested “major” revisions. Sometimes the reviewers’ comments are a single page of relatively positive comments that can be addressed fairly easily, along with one or two...

Developing the Response to Reviewers

Developing the Response to Reviewers

You’ve submitted your manuscript and have been anxiously following along with the peer-review process. “Under review.” “Reviewer comments received.” “Editorial decision.” Here we go – what will they say?  The best case scenario is “Accept” with no revisions, but...

The Best Worst Reviewer Comments

The Best Worst Reviewer Comments

Reviewer comments are the most fundamental component of the peer-review process for publishing scientific manuscripts. They are also the most anxiety-laden, occasionally joyful, hopefully constructive, but often disheartening, painful, and sometimes cruel and...

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